Sauna and steam bath
Enjoy a sauna & relax
This is what our holiday guests have in mind when they go to the sauna and steam bath in the exclusive hotel spa area of the thermal bath hotel Linsberg Asia near Wiener Neustadt, wrapped up in their hotel bathrobes. The adjacent thermal bath with its relaxation zones can be comfortably reached in the bathrobe via a lift.
Little, fine sauna paradise
Choose between Finnish sauna and a whirlpool in the outdoor area, sanarium, infrared cabin, steam bath, Kneipp basin and whirlpool in the indoor area. The nice ambience will let you sweat completely undisturbed. For your refreshment you will find tea, water and small cereals in the form of fruits, dried fruit or nuts. It is a textile-free zone.

Sauna? But with onpourings!
Highly popular are the special onpourings performed by experienced sauna masters in the Finnish sauna and in the steam bath. The herb onpouring will wake tired minds, the relaxation onpouring will make you let go. Or would you like a sea salt or sugar exfoliation? Gladly also a cream or honeymoon onpouring for an exclusive skin feeling. The onpourings take place in the hotel spa area, details can be found on the onpouring plan. Please come to the sauna five minutes before.